When you’re out and about, especially when you are without a regular connection to mains electricity, travel chargers are a must. They are the single thing saving you from your smartphone’s terrible battery life. It seems, though, that it’s impossible to find a decent one. Airport’s sell low capacity chargers for an absolute arm and leg and when you look on Amazon, you are buried under the thousands of results, all with different, complicated specifications. So, which are the best? On this page we’ve provided a number of quality chargers that you may find interesting.
Aukey PB-P4 solar panel charger – £40
Using the power of renewable energy , you can charge your phone on the go without any limitations. The Aukey PB-P4 solar panel charger is one of the best we’ve found up to present. It offers a 21W charging output with a conversion efficiency of 23.5%, which is extremely high. Even in times of cloudiness, this charger will fully charge your smartphone in a time not so different to standard mains electric.
This charger has two USB outputs and is ideal for hiking, camping or any other activities that support having a sizeable strip attached to a backpack or the ground. This, of course, is not the only solar panel charger out there and there are certainly other models that may be better suited for other activities, but in terms of efficiency and overall output, this is one of the best for the price.
Ampy Move Motion Charger – £37
There have been mixed reviews about this product; however, it’s originality is still worth mentioning, even if it’s not the most efficient charger in the world. The Ampy Move works on an energy harvesting principal that uses kinetic energy to generate usable electricity. This means that when you move, electricity is generated and your phone starts charging. This makes it a great device for those who are on an active holiday or are just doing some form of exercise.
The problem that currently surrounds this device is that the activities that people are undertaking with it are just not vigorous enough to generate the sufficient power to charge a phone. Until the generation efficiency is increased, only exercise that will move the device in a vigorous fashion will be able to charge your phone. For £37, however, it is still an interesting purchase if nothing else.
Anker PowerCore 20,100 power bank – £31
Back to reality with this awesome power bank charger that has the capacity to charge your phone over 7 times. This huge 20,100mAh charge capacity will keep you going for quite some time and could even be used to charge larger device such as tablets. It even supports the high speed charging feature that such phones as the Samsung Galaxy provide.
The only downside to a battery this size is that when it comes round to charging it back up it can take an absolute age. Most batteries this size can take up to 12 hours to fully charge, which isn’t exactly ideal if you are going to be with limited mains electricity.
Maxoak 50,000mAh power bank – £110
This absolute beast has a ginormous capacity and is more than double the above. This will fully charge an iPhone 6 17 times. Not only phones, but this device will also charge your laptops and tablets. It has 4 USB ports, a 12v port and a 20v port, depending on the device that you are wanting to charge. Unlike most power banks of this capacity, this one is actually extremely light. A huge problem with large capacity chargers is that they weigh a tonne; however, with this one, it won’t be a problem.
All that said, however, the problem is once again here of charging it back up when it runs out of battery. It may be able to charge your iPhone 17 times, but how long does it take to charge itself up with mains electricity? There’s no specific time, but we would estimate that it could take anywhere in excess of 24 hours to fully charge, which is an insane amount of time to wait on your travels.