I first fell in love with traveling through reading about others adventures.
I have always been a keen reader but never imagined that a travel writer would be able to transport me to another country. On my own journeys, during long bus rides, overnight trains and lazy days on the beach, there is nothing better than getting stuck into a good book.
Many of my adventures have steamed from books which have inspired me and I really want to share my favorites with you.
Unlikely Destinations: The Lonely Planet Story
The story from the founders of The Lonely Plant, this wander lustful book is full of inspiring tales which make you yearn for the next adventure. Their guides are probably in your rucksack right now or sitting next to you as you plan your next adventure, they’ve become the go-to for travelers and their story is extremely fascinating and really makes you appreciate how they’ve revolutionised travel.
The Beach
Possible the best books I’ve ever read and one which I continue to return to again and again. The best thing about this book is that you can really relate to the characters and their search for paradise. Everyone has seen the movie but the book is a must read for all those traveling to Thailand. Although incredible, this read is a good reminder that the search for perfect can often taint the perfect, reminding us to live in the now and enjoy what we have and what’s in front of us.
Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel
Is your dream to travel long term, never look back and spend your days planning your next adventure? Vagabonding is the ultimate book for serious travelers and a must read! Written by Rolf Potts, Rolf spent 10 years traveling all corners of the world and this well-written book is full of invaluable advice, thoughtful quotes and a lot of information which will help you to make a decision on where you want to go.
The Alchemist
The ultimate book which inspires you to follow your dreams, The Alchemist is a must read for all travelers, past, present and future. Follow the tale of a young boy on his journey from Spain to Egypt and the difficulties he faces as well as learning the meaning of life. If you’re a dreamer like me, this book is for you!
In a Sunburned Country
Bill Bryson is one of my all-time favorite writers, and In a Sunburned Country is definitely top of the list. Bill has a wealth of travel books and is widely renowned as the king of travel writing so I urge you to read as much of his work as possible.
If you’re dreaming of Australia, then this is the book for you as it follows the journey from east to west down under and the adventures which come with this epic journey. Be warned though, after reading this, Australia will be at the top of your travel list!
Got a book I should read? Share it with me here