Tips For Traveling With Medications

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When you’re traveling how do you take your medicine along? Maybe you have pills that you can’t live without, like heart medication. Or, maybe you just like to take your vitamins and don’t want to miss a few days or weeks of them, and you don’t want to have to spend money to buy more when you reach your travel destination.


It can be a hassle to travel sometimes when you have medications, and it takes some researching before you get on the bus, train, or plane. Always make sure to contact your travel option prior to getting there if you have any questions, especially these days with such a split as to where certain drugs, like marijuana, are legal or illegal.

What Are The Laws?

Look into the laws where you are visiting, especially when it comes to unconventional medications. You don’t want to leave your home where your doctor has prescribed you, legally, medical marijuana only to end up in jail where you’re visiting because it’s not legal there and the laws of where you’re from don’t do you any good where you’re visiting.

How Are You Packing Them?

Some of your traveling worries when it comes to medication could simply be resolved by how you are packing them. Once you know it’s safe to take your meds with you determine where they are safest packed. You may not be able to take them on a carry-on, but you also don’t want them to get lost with luggage that isn’t right on you.

Also, you need to keep them in their original containers for traveling. This will save you a lot of trouble, and it gives you a backup of information in case you run out of pills on your trip and need to get a refill. This also allows for easier contact to your doctor if there is a problem with your flight plan or other travel plans (in case the authorities need to check your validity of that script).

Did You Remember Everything?

You also don’t want to forget any of your medications, especially if they are for chronic health conditions. Make a list of the medications that you take on a daily basis, including prescriptions, over-the-counter stuff, and even vitamins and supplements. Pack all of your medications in one container together, and double check your contents to your list before you toss the bag in your suitcase.

Can You Get Refills On Your Trip?

Find out if you can get refills on your trip, and make sure that all of the medications you have that are doctor prescribed have refills available if you might run out. If not, get on the phone with your doctor so you can get a refill slip to take with you. While you’re on the move, you could take to vaping as well (provided it is legal). It is known that CBD helps in calming your mind and if you’re someone who carries medicinal marijuana along, then bong under $100 could be a nice addition to the pack.

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I have been exploring all corners of the earth for two years now, I love to discover and experience new cultures never afraid to try something new. Let me inspire you to take the leap, join me on my many journeys and share my top tips for traveling the globe.